Wednesday, February 9, 2011

JJ 2011

the concept

JangleJam Project aims to bridge the gap between cultures by combining the different disciplines of art and music. Exploring concepts such as; “culture jam”, “improvisation” and “workshops”, the project will bring together 30-40 artists from 15 different countries.

The jam sessions will take place in Buenos Aires; one of the most important capitals of art, music

and culture in South America. One of the project partner hostels in San Telmo, will welcome and

encourage the artists in sharing their talent and experience. The improvisations and workshops

will be performed in several pubs and performance halls in Buenos Aires.

During the festival, the international artists will meet 8-10 local artists from Argentina and have

the chance to share their inspirations. These artists will be separated into three groups; musicians, contemporary artists and visual artists who will stay together for a week. Throughout the week, the groups will work together and perform for free in local areas. The gigs and workshops will be supported by local project partners .

The week comes to an end in an open, public area, where the musicians perform the outcomes of their collaborations. Rather than an end, the concert will celebrate the opening of the JangleJam exhibition; during September one of the art galleries in Bs As will be displaying the video art and photography from the collective works of this international meeting.


Artists are asked to cooperate, living together in a hostel and working in different places with

their total freedom of expressions to the same objective: a new mutual intercultural vision of art.

There will be no pre-described or compulsory themes, but the neccessary communicative online

mediums will be created immediately after the application period by the organization committee

to encourage new collaborative projects and integration of existing ones to the festival.

All expenses ( transportation, accomodation and working materials ) are planned to be covered by festival sponsors. The application period will start by the beginning of April 2011 and applications will be evaluated localy with the help of the project partners in each country.

Project Partners: For this year’s festival it is decided to create a new concept, “project partners”

to increase the level of organization, to emphasize the importance of “collaboration” even in the

pre-festival stage. With our project partners from all over the world, it is believed that Jangle Jam

will reach more people and will be an impersonal world-project.

Project partners basicly reponsible to announce the festival throughout the world, evaluate the

applications and encourage the projects within the festival.

project aims

“JangleJam” Art Festival, started as a Hush Gallery project, was intended to create an independent art space in Istanbul, the project aimed to create a place apt to accommodate and support individual or group artistic projects of contemporary art, visual art, performance, music, experimental theater, poetry, etc... Although this aim is not lost with the success of the first festival in Istanbul, it is decided to broaden this aim to the whole world.

We believe that art is a bridge and a medium that more then anything, creates new geographies

without boundaries; so the artists will be invited with their total freedom of expressions to collaborate in this art festival to extinguish the borders between cultures by forming a cultural bridge between the geographical seperations of the world.

We aim to improve program further by inheriting the trend of the first festival, involving different

countries which is the actual reason behind moving the festival to the other side of the world;
